11:44 pm

3 Best Reasons to Get up at 5AM, and More Insights on
Building a Great Morning Ritual

Dear Bed - it's not you, it's me. You are comfy, cozy, and available any time. You
are extra warm, and as the weather turns colder leading to crisp mornings, that
toasty warmness means a lot to me. But it's just not working anymore. You,
hands down, were the gateway drug to mediocrity that has nearly destroyed all
my new years resolutions . I thought I knew how to handle our relationship, getting
up at 7 or 7:30 am every day, but then I started snoozing, then finding myself
rushing around just to get to work on time, leaving me frazzled instead of focused
and prepared. But there's still 3 months left of this year. It's time for a change. I
need a little more "me" time, and I think we should spend less time together.

So, what is the solution...
Maybe you, like me, are considering joining the "5am Club". Leadership and
productivity expert, Robin Sharma (author of The Leader Who Had No Title and
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari ) touts membership in the 5'oclock club as a key
feature of top achievers. I, for one, want to win the battle of the bed! Put mind
over mattress! Starting first thing tomorrow morning (I like the idea of starting on
Sunday, a day earlier than expected) I will be changing my habits and work to
develop a better brain, and a better life.

I have tried it before, and failed. But I made it all about working out, and it wasn't
a big enough motivator for me. What I've learned since then is that preparation for
your day ahead gives you a psychological edge and a "primary win", mental
confidence that sets you apart from the masses.
I'm currently waking up at 7:30am, but there are so many reasons why I want to
wake up at 5. If you normally get up at 7, and now get up at 5 just Monday-
Friday, you gain an extra 40 hours of self-improvement per month - approx 480
hours per year, or 20 days! A tiny adjustment for a massive reward. Here are my

top three, along with tips for how you can join the "club" too.

1. No-Excuses Time for what Really Matters - Finding time for what matters is a
huge challenge, and usually by the end of a workday the best I can handle is
cooking. By setting aside time for things thta matter first thing in the morning, I'm
able to create a clear path for success. My favorite online workout is Blogilates
wth Cassie Ho, which is totally free- so fun, intense and uplifting! Getting fit is so
important for success - to get the energy and stamina you need to really be of
use. Also, I love my slow-cooker, it's a great way to eat healthy and you come
home to a delicious smelling home.

2. Establishing and Keeping a Holy Hour to Consciously Leave the Herd - Most of
what we do in life is the result of our sub-conscious minds running on auto-pilot.
To have true change, you need to interrupt and gain control of your thoughts. One
hour in the morning to feed your mind and nourish your soul puts you in good
company with great writers, thinkers, throughout the centuries and helps your
behavior and thinking reach a new level of creativity and greatness.

3. Build Willpower and Grit - The #1 factor of success is GRIT. It means you have
ridiculous levels of persistence. You may have a vision, but it will be diluted by
challenge unless you develop grit. When you go to your limits, your limits expand.
Change is hard in the beginning, messy in the middle, and gorgeous in the end.
Being able to get up at 5am will make other (much harder) things easier, because
you've overcome one of the #1 things that holds people back from greatness -
getting out of bed.

Need more convincing or a boost? Here is a video by Robin Sharma that
convinced me!
Robin says that it takes 66 days for something to become a true habit . Not eating
or using a digital device after 8pm will help you get better sleep. If your loved one
doesn't share your desire to wake up at 5am, try using a vibrating alarm clock!

5:00 am Morning Ritual (20-20-20 Rule)
5:00 am - 5:20 am - Jump out of bed. Splash your face with cold water. Then- get
exercise of some kind, even if it's just skipping in place with a jumping rope. This
is just to jump-start the metabolic rate, and release endorphins.
5:20 am - 5:40 am - Review your goals and purpose, not just for your day but for
your life! Make sure you are focused on service to others. Focus on excellence
and mastery. Write down some things you're grateful for.

5:40 am - 6:00 am - As you learn more, you achieve more. So during this 20 min
stretch, learn something new by reading, listen to an audio book, or watching a
video. Here is a great quote from Robin on this: "Education is inoculation from
6:00 am - 8:30 am Morning Ritual
I am working on developing the rest of my morning ritual for something that really
works. But here is what I know for sure! (PSST, I have been doing this for over a
month now and have updated my schedule. Read my updated schedule and some
wisdom I've attained from doing this consistently here: The 5 AM Club) At first, I
thought "what am I going to do with all this extra time?" - then as I began to
piece all the things I need to accomplish in the morning together I realized...
maybe I need to get up at 4am!
6:00 am - 7:00 am - Full Blogilates Workout , according to the Blogilates calendar
7:00 am - 7:30 am - Prepare dinner with slow cooker, Prayer and Reading
7:30 am - 8:15 am - Shower, Dressed
8:15 am - 8:30 am - Make Healthy Breakfast, Coffee, and a Shake, hop in the car
and go!

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